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Kjempestilig ballongsett for å lage bue med assorterte ballonger med og uten confetti. 70 ballonger i heliumkvalitet
Helium kan kjøpe her: https://www.www.selskapsshop.no/products/heliumsett-til-ballonger-257-liter
Elektrisk ballongpumpe kan kjøpes her: https://www.www.selskapsshop.no/products/ballongpumpe-mini-elektrisk
15 x 5" - White Balloons,
15 x 5" - Light Pink Balloon,
10 x12" - Hot Pink Balloons,
10 x 12" - Pearl Pink Balloons ,
10 x 12" - White Balloons Pearl,
4 x 12" - Confetti Balloons - Pink Confetti,
4 x 12" Confetti Balloons - White Confetti,
2x 18" - White Balloons and 4m balloon tape and glue dots
Helium kan kjøpe her: https://www.www.selskapsshop.no/products/heliumsett-til-ballonger-257-liter
Elektrisk ballongpumpe kan kjøpes her: https://www.www.selskapsshop.no/products/ballongpumpe-mini-elektrisk
15 x 5" - White Balloons,
15 x 5" - Light Pink Balloon,
10 x12" - Hot Pink Balloons,
10 x 12" - Pearl Pink Balloons ,
10 x 12" - White Balloons Pearl,
4 x 12" - Confetti Balloons - Pink Confetti,
4 x 12" Confetti Balloons - White Confetti,
2x 18" - White Balloons and 4m balloon tape and glue dots
Ginger Ray